Friday, April 15, 2011


I was sitting at dinner in a college cafeteria yesterday evening in the company of two smart women who take the time to inform themselves about our national problems and priorities. Like most others with whom I sit down and talk, they were as dismayed as I by the venom directed at Obama from both left and right. I say "venom," because that's how disagreement seem most frequently expressed these days. What I see on television and read online bears little resemblance to what I hear when I sit down and talk with people. There are so many who share my view that anger and impatience to little to serve the causes we support; and who marvel at the level-headedness and quiet perseverance of the man in the Oval Office.

I conclude from my personal, anecdotal experience that there is a strong groundswell of support for the President that does not get heard in the cacophony of opinionated rant. I choose to believe that, come election time, good sense and fairness will win out over irrationality and greed.

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