Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This arrived yesterday as one of the many political emails I receive every day.  I thought it expressed things pretty well...

Thanks for reading.  Please join me... think about posting your own reasons to support this president in his reelection bid.  The country has a lot riding on his success!


CHI SPHERE said...

This same image showed up on my Facebook page as well several days ago so I imagine it is going viral. This clearly represents Obama's progress from a citizen who is well informed. I think the majority of the body politic
is just as aware as the person who provided the white board image you've shared. It is obvious that our president is making steady progress toward solving the immensely complicated financial predicament he inherited from the previous administration.

CHI SPHERE said...

101 ysCLoZNow I'm seeing the mean spirited political ads growing in scale.

Miff after the Dems and the yellow press digging the dirt with reprisals, name calling, jingoist characterizations.

The real dirt is coming soon!

This is when politics seems most immature and downright hateful. I hear my friends at work sweating and struggling to pay for it all and becoming so disenfranchised with their choices, wondering whom to believe: FOX? CNN?


It's the outrage of opposing sides wasting time prime time and the enormous cost of "selling of the candidates" rather than intelligent discourse about making the best of our people and our other natural resources that eats at my soul.

Watching "Curiosity" on www.nasa/mars was so refreshing and uplifting it made me wish that the upcoming debates could have that quality and depth. The fraction spent on the probe is so small compared to the cost of the two wars no one will ever benefit from or this election!

We learned nothing in Vietnam. Pol Pot's genocide is the mirror of what is happening in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Curiosity is what politics should be about. Political campaigns are far more like war than science which instead wishes to ask ultimate questions and try's to answer them peacefully in a cooperative transparent manner.