Thursday, October 20, 2011


... to help me with this blog? It needs entries from voices other than my own, and I'm open to any suggestions as to how that might be achieved. I grabbed the URL a few months ago, noticing that it was as yet untaken and thinking that it might become another rallying point for those of us who continue to support the President. Watching the ill-informed, self-serving madness of the current Republican slate of candidates and their absurdly irrelevant and pusillanimous debates, I feel more strongly than ever that the election of any one of them would be a disaster for the country. And yet... I have little faith in the wisdom and discrimination of a significant number of voters, who seem entirely willing to be led by the nose to vote against their own interests. This President needs our support. I respond as I can to appeals for donations, not only from the President but for all Democratic races and causes. But I still feel that's not enough. I'm no millionaire; nor am I a corporation. VO2012 is a way for me to do what I can to support what I believe to be right. I know there are many who agree with me, good writers, who could contribute to this effort. I'd be grateful to hear from them.

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